Tempad Documentation Help


Setting the fuel option for the tempad to be tempad:item will make the Tempad use the item fuel option.

The item option makes the Tempad consume items from the player's inventory upon opening a time door. The type of item consumed is determined by an item tag called tempad:tempad_fuel. This will always consume 1 item per time door opened.


Fuel type

The fuel type is the type of fuel the Tempad uses. The fuel type for the item option is tempad:item.

Fuel tag

The fuel tag is the item tag that determines what item the Tempad will consume from the player's inventory. The fuel tag for the item option is tempad:tempad_fuel. By default, this tag contains the items minecraft:ender_pearl and minecraft:ender_eye.

Example use cases

Normal tempad

{ "timedoorFuelType": "tempad:item", }

Advanced tempad

{ "advancedTimedoorFuelType": "tempad:item", }
Last modified: 05 January 2024